3389 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra VA 22963 CunninghamUMCPastor@gmail.com 434-591-1363

Children and Youth

Vacation Bible School

June 19-23, 6-8pm

CUMC is participating in a shared Vacation Bible School again this year! This year Salem UMC will be hosting June 19-23, 6-8 p.m. Details about registration will come soon.


Meetings are held the first Sunday of the month at 4:30 for games and fellowship.


Youth of the church – 6th to 12th grade.


In addition to our monthly meetings, we try to have several outings. Last year we —

      • Went to a movie.
      • Had a river float.
      • Went skiing.
      • Participated in the Bethlehem Walk

Mission trips/events included:

      • Fifth Sunday – youth leading church service
      • Providing a meal for the college students at UVA Westly Foundation
      • Helped cook and serve several meals the Cunningham United Methodist Men’s group have hosted.
      • In June of 2023 we are going on a week-long mission trip to the Appalachia region with ASP (https://asphome.org/)